Like many emerging, socially conscious brands, we are highly motivated to do our part for causes we believe in. As such, we decided to create a program that we call First Five For The World.
First Five For The World is our target to donate 5% of net sales to non-profits benefiting animals, people, and the environment. We are open to other companies adopting our initiative and find it a very clear, open, direct and measurable way to show our impact.
The non-profits that we choose to partner with meet the following criteria:
- Meet the goals of our First Five For The World program,
- Earned a generally positive and high rating on Charity Navigator, and
- Reasonable executive compensation.
Selected non-profits:
- Farm Sanctuary
- Compassion Over Killing
- Toronto Vegetarian Food Bank
- Mercy For Animals
- India Development and Relief Fund
- Brother Wolf Animal Rescue
We also donate products to other non-profits throughout the year to support fundraisers! However, we get overwhelmed with requests. We try to donate to as many non-profits doing great work as we can but we do not have the means to meet every one of the requests we receive.
Sidebar: You may have noticed that we do not yet have an environmental non-profit on our list. We have not found one that meets our criteria. In almost every case where we have researched a non-profit that benefits the environment, we have found executive compensation that ranges from $300,000 to $600,000 or is greater than 1% of revenue. We find these numbers unacceptable.
We've also (financially) adopted a rooster from one of our favorite places, Farm Sanctuary. A picture of Li Mu Bai (yes his name comes from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon) is on our homepage.
We also donate to:
- Wishing Well Sanctuary
- Woodstock Farm Sanctuary
- Other pro-animal non-profits, ASHA (education for children) and fruit and granola bars to homeless folks everywhere we go.
Forest Man -